


에센 폴크방 국립음대 전문연주자과정 졸업
서울대학교 음악대학 석사 학위 취득(음대전체수석)
서울대학교 음악대학 박사 학위 취득(음대전체수석)
중앙음악콩쿠르 입상, Köhler-Osbahr 콩쿠르 1위, Sarzana 국제 음악 콩쿠르 대상, Ischia 국제 피아노 콩쿠르 대상, 
Piana del Cavaliere 국제 피아노 콩쿠르 1위
독일 Essen, Duisburg, Schwerte, 이태리 Tonfano, Lacco Ameno, Ischia 등지에서 연주
예술의전당, 금호아트홀 연세, 성남아트센터, 국제아트홀, 인천문화예술회관, 춘천문화예술회관, 티엘아이아트센터, 
엘림아트센터, 유스퀘어 금호아트홀, 더하우스콘서트, 황인용의카메라타, 쌀롱드무지끄, 평촌아트홀, 우디토레, 클랑아트홀, 
영산양재홀, 예나아트홀, 통영시민문화회관, 거제문화예술회관 등에서 독주 및 실내악 연주 
ArteTV, 춘천KBS 연주방송

현) 계원예중, 봉의고 출강

Pil-Won Seo

"He made music with exuberant passion "-the WAZ  

"A true virtuoso"-the RP,

"He has a wonderful pianistical technique and is able to play all virtuoso repertoire in an astonishing way. But he is also a very fine musician, who reflects deeply into the masterworks he plays. His tone is beautiful and very colorful and all his interpretations are intelligent and emotionally sincere." -Prof. Till Engel  

Pianist Seo Pil-won was born in Chuncheon, Korea and started playing the piano at the age of three under his mother's guidance. And he studied with Prof. Kyoung-Ah Choi and Prof. Hie-Yon Choi. After his success at the Joongang Music Competition (the most prestigeous national competition in Korea), he moved to Germany to study with Prof. Till Engel at Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen. He also attended many masterclasses of great musicians such as Daniel Rivera, Paul Badura-Skoda, Arie Vardi, Jacques Rouvier, Piotr Paleczny and Wolfgang Manz. After he returned to Korea, he received the DMA degree from Seoul National University.

Pil-won was invited to many concerts and competitions in Italy, Germany, France, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Spain, Japan, and Korea. He also played piano concertos with Universität Orchester Duisburg-Essen, Symphony SONG, etc.

He has won first place in numerous international competitions, including Köhler-Osbahr Competition in Germany, Piana del Cavaliere International Piano Competition, Citta di Sarzana International Music Competition (Absolute 1st), and Ischia International Piano Competition in Italy (Absolute 1st).